Every year, 13-15.000 children are born with congenital heart disease in Turkey. Çınar is one of them.
What makes him unique is his extraordinary imagination. During his examinations, Çınar thinks the heartbeat sound the ECO machine makes resembles the sound of galloping animals. Plus, he thinks the artery, that goes up from his heart,
is a giant giraffe. With each time a different animal, Çınar, eventually, has ended up with a grand zoo inside.

We have been majorly inspired by Çınar's imagination to draw attention to congenital heart diseases in Turkey. We brought the animals that have been living inside Çınar's heart to reality with illustration. And finally, all the animals inevitably became a part of an animation movie with a voice-over depiction by none other than Çınar. An animated movie to remind us all of he significance of our hearts and the power of a child's imagination.

2018 Kristal Elma
Digital, Social Media and Activation / Social Responsibility Campaign – Silver Prize
2018 Felis Awards
Health / Social Awareness – Success Prize
Mastership in Production / Illustration – Success Prize
2017 DPID
Best Technology Usage - Silver
Launch Activities - Golden
Young Jury Award
Client : Philips
Agency : Pure New Media
Animation : Platform64 Design Studio